The Brown Banded Cockroach
Spotting a cockroach in your premises is never a pleasant site. Before you jump upon a remedy against them, make sure to identify their species and take the proper measures against them. The Brown Banded cockroach, in particular, is different from the others for several reasons.
Brown Banded cockroaches are one of the smallest types of roaches, their adults are just 11–14.5 mm in length. They are light brown colored cockroaches which possess two light colored transverse bands on the wings of adults. They have fully developed functional wings.
Like most species of roaches, Brown Banded cockroaches prefer dark and warm surroundings. They don’t live in outdoor settings, they exist in buildings, apartments, hospitals, restaurants, and homes. Brown Banded cockroaches avoid water and unlike other species, don’t need damp surroundings for survival. They are usually found in bedrooms, living rooms and at higher locations like behind picture frames, inside closets, inside switchboards, in upper cabinets of kitchen and washroom, etc.
They can eat away literally anything that’s available, for example, decaying matter, body fluids, wallpapers, basic food items, glue, paper, oil, human waste, nails, etc.
Brown Banded cockroaches are nocturnal insects and avoid daylight. A preferable temperature for a Brown Banded cockroach to survive ranges from 77 degrees to 91 degrees Fahrenheit.
Female brown banded cockroaches carry their eggs for just 1-2 days. Then, they’ll usually attach the tiny (5mm long) eggs to walls, ceilings or inside furniture like table, chair, bed, etc. Therefore, when the furniture is moved from one room to other, it’ll let them spread in other areas of the house.
The first obvious sign in identifying their presence is seeing the actual Brown Banded cockroaches in your house or building. They usually come out at night for their food hunt, but because they live in cabinets and drawers you can spot them there in the day too.
Spotting fecal spots of Brown Banded cockroaches hints towards their infestation. These dark brown or black colored droppings can be seen in the spaces they frequently visit.
Though they the tiny eggs they produce aren’t easily visible, the tan colored egg cases, after the cockroach has been hatched, can be easily spotted and point out towards an infestation of Brown Banded roaches.