The Honey Bee
The honey bee is a stinging insect found flying in all continents except Antarctica. As the name suggests, these bees make honey and are thus appreciated for making many businesses flourish. In some cultures, these insects are believed to bring an abundance of love, wealth and prosperity in households where they live. But who wants stinging and buzzing bees inside their house?
If you’re not sure whether the insects in your home are honey bees or some other, look out for the following features of honey bees:
- Segmented bodies
- Black striped alternating with golden-yellow or brown.
- About 15 mm long usually.
- Bodies covered with fine hair.
- Barbed stinger coming off their thorax.
Appearance and Behavior
- Honey bees are yellow and light brown in color. Although the color of honey bees varies with different species, there are usually dark to light striations on their body.
- Most of the honey bees are oval shaped and have golden-yellow and brown colored bands.
- These bees have segmented bodies: legs, antenna, stinger, three segments of the thorax and six visible segments of the abdomen.
- They make their hives from wax made by their special abdominal glands.
- These bees are social creatures, however, they do show some aggressive behavior and thus, can pose danger to pets and humans.
- Honey bees play a very important role in pollination, but should not be allowed anywhere near households.
- They live in groups consisting of queen bees, many worker bees, and some male drones. The worker bees make the nests with wax from their abdominal glands.
- Although these bees usually have the same characteristics overall in the world, they can, however, behave more aggressive in certain areas.
- If you see more than a usual number of bees around your house, then it is a definite sign that there is a honey beehive around you.
- If you drop something sugary and have honey bees gathering over it too soon, then also you can be sure that there is a nest in or around your home.