The European Honey Bee
The European honey bee, also known as apis mellifera, plays a very important role in maintaining the ecological balance. They are honey-producing and help many flowers and crops in pollination. Since they prove to be so helpful, European honey bees are the most popular domesticated honeybee species in the world. Despite being so helpful, these bees can become a pain in the neck by causing stings or allergies to your pets and family.
- About half an inch in size.
- Yellow and black in color.
- Have numerous hair on their bodies
- Distinctive feature: Pollen sac on both of their rear legs.
Appearance and Behavior
The appearance of a European honey bee varies according to their classes (worker bees, drones, queens). The worker bees are usually half an inch long, have yellow and black bodies, and have a pollen sac on their rear legs to carry pollen. They have a barbed stinger to use in case their colony is disturbed. These are non-reproductive female bees. Then, there are male drones. Drones are larger in size than the worker bees. Drones have a thick and blunt abdomen while the worker bees have a pointed one. Also, drones do not have stingers. The queens almost look like the worker bees but are a bit larger in size and have a straight stinger. Queen bees do not use their stinger very often, but rarely.
The role of drones is only to mate with the queens. And the worker bees do all other works: protecting the hive, defense, collecting nectar and producing honey. And the queen bee lays eggs and is the only egg layer in the colony.
It is common to see a few European honey bees near or around your house but if you start seeing them in a larger number and observe a buzzing sound from the voids in your house, you can be quite sure of an infestation in your house. Also, if these bugs get attracted too soon over any sugary split in your house, this is a definite sign of a beehive near you.